Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bravely fights the Queen

Your fight with life makes me shudder

The smile still clings on to your face

You fight with that smile

Malady fears it, it runs miles apart

Your love for humanity makes me proud

The will to do good to all

You fight with all your might

The oppressors leave in fear

How I wish someone values you

Not thinks you to be fake

No matter what happens, be there

Not only for you, but your cause.

You are the one

To value life

As you are the one

Who knows what it really means.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Come to my rescue

Free all bounds, Fly,

Come take me along

It's too restless out here

The reality is so harsh

I need your healing touch

Listen, can I speak to you?

Can I call you now?

Need the husky voice

That same enforcing one

Come fly with me,

Come take me along

Sunday, June 12, 2011

So let it be

The mere sound of your voice

Makes my heart leap

Makes me happy, very happy

It makes me think positive again

The mere sight of your pictures

Makes my heart skip another

Makes me sad, very sad

It makes me think of my flaws

For you are what I once cherished.

Though Hope still flickers,

So let oblivion descend

Let it wipe out all

As I know it well that,

For what once you were,

You shall never be again.